
Second Corinthians: Unlocking the Scriptures for You is unavailable, but you can change that!

This nontechnical commentary on Second Corinthians analyzes the continued problems the church in Corinth faced. It provides a look into the historical, cultural, and religious contexts surrounding the epistle, and illustrates how the message of First Corinthians is still contemporarily relevant in today’s churches.

success, money, popularity, and human followings. The glitter of this world blinds both leaders and followers from seeing the surpassing splendor of Jesus. It is man’s ego that keeps him from seeing God’s Immanuel. What is the answer to this problem? It is not preaching oneself as the person to follow, but Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as servants (2 Corinthians 4:5). Anyone who preaches himself has chosen one of the most inferior topics on earth. In fact, he is down to the bottom of his barrel.
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